Real estate and commercial lease lawyers

Whether it’s drafting legal documents relating to the real estate field (commercial, industrial, hotel, or even residential leases) or assisting and advising you in cases of disputes regarding immovable property, the services of a lawyer specializing in real estate law are essential.


Thanks to their experience in this field, our specialized lawyers help you avoid the pitfalls associated with a poorly drafted lease and represent you in disputes related to the drafting and review of :


  • Commercial leases ;
  • Subletting agreements ;
  • Exceptional leases ;
  • Triennial review ;
  • Renewal and setting of rents ;
  • Leaves ;
  • Renewal offers ;
  • Removing rent caps ;
  • Compensation for eviction ;
  • Lease transfers ;
  • Management lease contracts ;
  • Residential leases ;
  • Precarious occupation agreements ;
  • Guarantee documents ;
  • Eviction procedures ;
  • Leaves for sale, recovery, or legitimate reasons ;
  • Fixing the price for renewed leases ;
  • Business leases ;
  • Rental relations ;

In case of disputes, we also offer our advice and assistance in the following fields :


  • Claims for payment of unpaid rent ;
  • Acquisition of a cancellation clause ;
  • Co-ownership ;
  • Recovery of expenses ;
  • Disputing expenses ;
  • Disputes with co-owner assemblies ;
  • Property manager liability ;
  • Private and legal appraisals.
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